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  • Type Alfa: Giulia 2.0T / Giulia 2.1
  • ****
    - Senior Alfist
Storing schuif/kanteldak Giulia/Stevio
« Gepost op: 6 september 2024, 14:04:18 »
Voor een ieder die een Giulia (en idem voor de Stelvio ?) heeft met een glazen S huif/kanteldak, ik kwam deze upgrade/oplossing tegen. Wellicht bij verdachte geluiden van boven deze installeren ?

Ambrosini Luciano Francesco

Yes, is made in two pieces.
To install you must partially remove the headliner to have access in the bottom side of the old pieces, then remove the screws that retain the pieces and cut along the side with a dremel tool.
After that you must insert for first the upper shell of my new pieces and put the new screw but from above and not from bottom, after that you must arretrate the metallic tube to insert the bottom shell, after inserted the bottom shell you can insert the metallic tube inside the bottom shell and you must slide the bottom shell and the tube simultaneously inside the upper shell, be sure the metallic tube is inserted for minimum 15mm inside the new piece.
At this point is possible to completely screw the pieces.
After screw completely the M5 screw you must screw the four little M3 grub screws to retain the metallic tube.
At the end you must align the sunroof guide by pull or push the cable inside the motor system.
At the end of all you can make the reset procedure and reposition the glass.
Definitely, after that, the problem is solved forever!
I have repaired many sunroof in italy, for first the sunroof of my Giulia 2 years ago, i use the sunroof every day, doesn't matter if winter or summer, i stress it and nothing i didn't noticed absolutely any sign of failure or problem.

Gr Ron

gr Ron